
%0 Audiovisual Material
%4 dpi.inpe.br/hilcea/2002/
%2 dpi.inpe.br/hilcea/2002/
%T GIS and Remote Sensing Technology Development: The Brazilian Experience Reviews the Appropriate Technology Concept
%D 2002
%A Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira,
%A Camara, Gilberto,
%J São José dos Campos
%K GIS, Remote Sensing, Geotechnology,geodata, spring, terralib.
%X GIS and RS as Appropriate Technology Background - Description of Geotechnology Development and Education at DPI/INPE Technology in the Third World - Benefits and Challenges SPRING Project: Empowering People TerraLib: Empowering Programmers to Empower People Conclusions - Some Lessons Learned in 20 Years of Technological Development at DPI/INPE
%@language English
%3 ISPRS_SJC_2002.pps
